/ 4 min read
OverTheWire: Bandit Walkthrough Guide
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A walkthrough guide to completing the Bandit levels in the OverTheWire wargames.
Level 0 → Level 1
Learn how to log into a server using SSH from the terminal
The password is stored in the readme located in the home directory. You will need the password to log into bandit1.
Level 1 → Level 2
The password for the next level is stored in a file called - located in the home directory.
Level 2 → Level 3
The password for the next level is stored in a file called spaces in this filename located in the home directory. The file in the home screen has spaces in it’s name. We use tab to auto-complete or add backslashes before each space.
Level 3 → Level 4
The password for the next level is stored in a hidden file in the inhere directory. The file name has a . which makes it hidden. Using -all command we can see all files.
Level 4 → Level 5
The password for the next level is stored in the only human-readable file in the inhere directory. Tip: if your terminal is messed up, try the “reset” command.
Level 5 → Level 6
The password for the next level is stored in a file somewhere under the inhere directory and has all of the following properties:
This is bold text
This is italic text
“Double quotes” and ‘single quotes’
Blockquotes can also be nested…
…by using additional greater-than signs right next to each other…
An example containing a clickable reference1 with a link to the source.
Second example containing a reference2 with a link to the source.
If you check out this example in src/content/post/markdown-elements/index.md
, you’ll notice that the references and the heading “Footnotes” are added to the bottom of the page via the remark-rehype plugin.
- Create a list by starting a line with
, or*
- Sub-lists are made by indenting 2 spaces:
- Marker character change forces new list start:
- Ac tristique libero volutpat at
- Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet
- Nulla volutpat aliquam velit
- Marker character change forces new list start:
- Very easy!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Consectetur adipiscing elit
Integer molestie lorem at massa
You can use sequential numbers…
…or keep all the numbers as
Start numbering with offset:
- foo
- bar
Inline code
Indented code
Block code “fences”
Syntax highlighting
Expressive code examples
Adding a title
A bash terminal
Highlighting code lines
Expressive Code can do a ton more than shown here, and includes a lot of customisation.
Option | Description |
data | path to data files to supply the data that will be passed into templates. |
engine | engine to be used for processing templates. Handlebars is the default. |
ext | extension to be used for dest files. |
Right aligned columns
Option | Description |
data | path to data files to supply the data that will be passed into templates. |
engine | engine to be used for processing templates. Handlebars is the default. |
ext | extension to be used for dest files. |
Image in the same folder: src/content/post/markdown-elements/logo.png